Psalms 107:10-16

Verse 10

Such as sit in darkness - Here begins the Second similitude, which he uses to illustrate the state of the captives in Babylon viz., that of a prisoner in a dreary dungeon.

1. They sit in or inhabit darkness. They have no light, no peace, no prosperity.

2. "In the shadow of death." The place where death reigns, over which he has projected his shadow; those against whom the sentence of death has been pronounced.

3. They are bound in this darkness, have no liberty to revisit the light, and cannot escape from their executioners.

4. They are afflicted, not only by want and privation in general, but they are tortured in the prison, עני oni, afflicted, humbled, distressed.

5. Their fetters are such as they cannot break; they are iron. The reason of their being in this wretched state is given.
Verse 11

Because they rebelled against the words of God -

1. God showed them their duty and their interest, and commanded them to obey his word; but they cast off all subjection to his authority, acted as if they were independent of heaven and earth, and broke out into open rebellion against him.

2. He counsealed and exhorted them to return to him: but they contemned his advice, and turned his counsel into ridicule.

3. As lenient means were ineffectual, he visited them in judgment: hence it is added,
Verse 12

He brought down their heart with labor - He delivered them into the hands of their enemies. and, as they would not be under subjection to God, he delivered them into slavery to wicked men: "So they fell down, and there was none to help;" God had forsaken them because they had forsaken him.
Verse 13

Then they cried unto the Lord in their trouble - This was the salutary effect which their afflictions produced: they began to cry to God for mercy and help; and God mercifully heard their prayer, and reversed their state; for,
Verse 14

He brought then out of darkness -

1. Gave them again peace and prosperity.

2. Repealed the sentence of death.

3. "Unbound the poor prisoners."

4. Broke their iron bonds in sunder.
Verse 15

O that men, etc. - This is the intercalary verse, or burden, of the second part, as it was of the first. See Psa 107:8.
Verse 16

For he hath broken - This is the reason given for thanks to God for his deliverance of the captives. It was not a simple deliverance; it was done so as to manifest the irresistible power of God. He tore the prison in pieces, and cut the bars of iron asunder.
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