Psalms 121:4

Verse 4

He that keepeth Israel - The Divine Being represents himself as a watchman, who takes care of the city and its inhabitants during the night-watches; and who is never overtaken with slumbering or sleepiness. There is a thought in the Antigone of Sophocles, that seems the counterpart of this of the psalmist, Ταν σαν, Ζευ, δυναμιν τις ανδρων Ὑπερβασια κατασχοι, Ταν ουθ' ὑπνος αἱ - ρει ποθ' ὁ παντογηρως, Ακαματοι τε θεων Μηνες;

Antig. ver. 613, Edit. Johnson.

Shall men below control great Jove above,Whose eyes by all-subduing sleep

Are never closed, as feeble mortals' are;But still their watchful vigil keep

Through the long circle of th' eternal year?

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