Psalms 132:1


The psalmist prays that God would remember his promises to David, Psa 132:1. His purpose to bring the ark of the Lord into a place of rest, Psa 132:2-5. Where it was found, and the prayer in removing it, Psa 132:6-9. The promises made to David and his posterity, Psa 132:10-12. God's choice of Zion for a habitation, and his promises to the people, Psa 132:13-17. All their enemies shall be confounded, Psa 132:18.

Some attribute this Psalm to David, but without sufficient ground; others, to Solomon, with more likelihood; and others, to some inspired author at the conclusion of the captivity, which is, perhaps, the most probable. It refers to the building of the second temple, and placing the ark of the covenant in it.

Verse 1

Lord, remember David - Consider the promises thou hast made to this thy eminent servant, that had respect, not only to him and to his family, but to all the Israelitish people.
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