Psalms 132:11-18

Verse 11

The Lord hath sworn - As David sware to the Lord, so the Lord swears to David that he will establish his throne, and place his posterity on it: and that he had respect to David's Antitype, we learn from St. Peter, Act 2:30 (note), where see the note. This verse with the following refers to the spiritual David, and the Christian Church.
Verse 12

If thy children will keep my covenant - This was conditional with respect to the posterity of David. They have been driven from the throne, because they did not keep the Lord's covenant, but the true David is on the throne, and his posterity forms the genuine Israelites.
Verse 13

The Lord hath chosen Zion - Therefore neither Shiloh nor Kirjath-jearim is the place of his rest.
Verse 14

This is my rest for ever - Here the Christian Church is most indubitably meant. This is God's place for ever. After this there never will be another dispensation; Christianity closes and completes all communications from heaven to earth. God has nothing greater to give to mankind on this side heaven; nor does man need any thing better; nor is his nature capable of any thing more excellent.
Verse 15

I will abundantly bless her provision - There shall be an abundant provision of salvation made for mankind in the Christian Church. Our Lord's multiplication of the loaves was a type and proof of it.
Verse 16

I will also clothe her priests - All Christian ministers, with salvation; this shall appear in all their conduct. Salvation - redemption from all sin through the blood of the Lamb shall be their great and universal message.
Verse 17

There will I make the horn of David to bud - There, in the Christian Church, the power and authority of the spiritual David shall appear.

I have ordained a lamp - I have taken care to secure a posterity, to which the promises shall be expressly fulfilled.
Verse 18

His enemies will I clothe with shame - Every opponent of the Christian cause shall be confounded.

But upon himself shall his crown flourish - There shall be no end of the government of Christ's kingdom. From Psa 132:11-18, the spiritual David and his posterity are the subjects of which the Psalm treats.

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