Psalms 18:20-24

Verse 20

The Lord rewarded me - David proceeds to give the reasons why God had so marvellously interposed in his behalf.

According to my righteousness - Instead of being an enemy to Saul, I was his friend. I dealt righteously with him while he dealt unrighteously with me.
Verse 21

I have kept the ways of the Lord - I was neither an infidel nor a profligate; I trusted in God, and carefully observed all the ordinances of his religion.
Verse 22

All his judgments were before me - I kept his law before my eyes, that I might see my duty and know how to walk and please God.
Verse 23

I was also upright - The times in which David was most afflicted were the times of his greatest uprightness. Adversity was always to him a time of spiritual prosperity.

Mine iniquity - Probably meaning what is generally termed the easily-besetting sin; the sin of his constitution, or that to which the temperament of his body most powerfully disposed him. What this was, is a subject of useless conjecture.
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