Psalms 6:1


This Psalm contains a deprecation of eternal vengeance, Psa 6:1; a petition to God for mercy, Psa 6:2. This is enforced from a consideration of the psalmist's sufferings, Psa 6:3; from that of the Divine mercy, Psa 6:4; from that of the praise and glory which God would fail to receive if man were destroyed, Psa 6:5; from that of his humiliation and contrition, Psa 6:6, Psa 6:7. Being successful in his supplication, he exults in God, Psa 6:8, Psa 6:9; and predicts the downfall of all his enemies, Psa 6:10.

This Psalm has the following inscription: To the chief Musician on Neginoth, upon Sheminith, A Psalm of David; which the Chaldee translates, "To be sung on neginoth, a harp of eight strings." The various interpretations given to this inscription, both by ancients and moderns, show us that nothing is known concerning it. We have already seen that neginoth probably signifies all instruments which emitted sounds by strokes, or stringed instruments in general. This Psalm was to be accompanied with such instruments; but one of a particular kind is specified, viz., sheminith; so called from its having eight strings. The chief musician is directed to accompany the recital of this Psalm with the above instrument.

Verse 1

O Lord, rebuke me not - This Psalm, Which is one of the seven Penitential Psalms, is supposed to have been written during some grievous disease with which David was afflicted after his transgression with Bath-sheba. It argues a deep consciousness of sin, and apprehension of the just displeasure of God. It is the very language of a true penitent who is looking around for help, and who sees, as Bishop Horne well expresses it, "above, an angry God, ready to take vengeance; beneath, the fiery gulf, ready to receive him; without, a world in flames; within, the gnawing worm." Of all these, none so dreadful as an angry God; his wrath he particularly deprecates. God rebukes and chastens him, and he submits; but he prays not to be rebuked in anger, nor chastened in hot displeasure. because he knows that these must bring him down to total and final destruction.
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