Psalms 77:17-20

Verse 17

The clouds poured out water - It appears from this that there was a violent tempest at the time of the passage of the Red Sea. There was a violent storm of thunder, lightning, and rain. These three things are distinctly marked here.

1. "The skies sent out a sound:" the Thunder.

2. "Thine arrows went abroad:" the Lightning.

3. "The clouds poured out water:" the Rain. In the next verse we have,

4. An Earthquake: "The earth trembled and shook," Psa 77:18.
Verse 19

Thy way is in the sea - Thou didst walk through the sea, thy path was through a multitude of waters.

Thy footsteps are not known - It was evident from the effects that God was there: but his track could not be discovered; still he is the Infinite Spirit, without parts, limits, or passions. No object of sense.
Verse 20

Thou leddest thy people like a flock - This may refer to the pillar of cloud and fire. It went before them, and they followed it. So, in the eastern countries, the shepherd does not drape, but leads, his flock. He goes before them to find them pasture, and they regularly follow him.

By the hand of Moses and Aaron - They were God's agents; and acted, in civil and sacred things, just as directed by the Most High.

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