Psalms 89:11

Verse 11

The heavens are thine - Thou art the Governor of all things, and the Disposer of all events.

The world - The terraqueous globe.

And the fullness - All the generations of men. Thou hast founded them - thou hast made them, and dost sustain them.

After this verse, the Editio Princeps of the Hebrew Bible, printed at Soncini, 1488, adds: - לילה לך אף יום לך lailah lecha aph yom lecha ושמש מאור הכינות אתה vashamesh maor hachinotha attah To thee is the day; also to thee is the night:

Thou hast prepared the light and the sun.

But these same words are found in Psa 74:16.
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