Romans 4:10

Verse 10

How was it then reckoned? - In what circumstances was Abraham when this blessing was bestowed upon him? When he was circumcised, or before?

Not in circumcision, but in uncircumcision - Faith was reckoned to Abraham for justification, as we read Gen 15:6, (see the note on Gen 15:6); but circumcision was not instituted till about fourteen or fifteen years after, Gen 17:1, etc.; for faith was reckoned to Abraham for righteousness or justification at least one year before Ishmael was born; compare Genesis 15, and 16. At Ishmael's birth he was eighty-six years of age, Gen 16:16; and, at the institution of circumcision, Ishmael was thirteen, and Abraham ninety-nine years old. See Gen 17:24, Gen 17:25; and see Dr. Taylor.
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