Romans 8:24

Verse 24

For we are saved by hope - We are supported and are comfortable in the expectation we have of receiving from the hand of our God all the good we need in the troubles and adversities of this life, and of having our bodies raised from corruption and death at the general resurrection.

Hope that is seen is not hope - As hope signifies the expectation of future good, so it necessarily supposes that the object of it is not seen, i.e. not enjoyed; for to see, in Scripture language, sometimes signifies to enjoy, as in Job 7:7 : Mine eye shall no more See (margin, Enjoy) good. Job 9:25 : My days flee away, and See no good; i.e. enjoy no prosperity. Psa 50:23 : I will Show the salvation of God: I will give that man to enjoy my salvation who walks uprightly. Mat 5:8 : Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall See God; that is, they shall enjoy his favor and blessing. See also Joh 3:36; Heb 12:14, and 1Jn 3:2. The hope that is seen, that is, enjoyed, is no longer hope, it is fruition: and a man cannot hope for that which he has in his possession.
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