Job 36:26

26Behold, God is great, and we aknow him not;
the number of his byears is unsearchable.

Job 36:32

32He covers his chands with the lightning
and commands it to strike the mark.

Job 38:25

25“Who has cleft a channel for the torrents of rain
and da way for the thunderbolt,

Psalms 148:8

8 efire and hail, fsnow and mist,
gstormy wind hfulfilling his word!

Jeremiah 14:22

22Are there any among ithe false gods of the nations jthat can bring rain?
Or can the heavens give showers?
Are you not he, O Lord our God?
We set our hope on you,
kfor you do all these things.

Amos 4:7

7I also lwithheld the rain from you
when there were yet three months to the harvest;
mI would send rain on one city,
and send no rain on another city;
one field would have rain,
and the field on which it did not rain would wither;

Zechariah 10:1

The Restoration for Judah and Israel

1Ask rain nfrom the Lord
in the season of othe spring rain,
from the Lord pwho makes the storm clouds,
and qhe will give them showers of rain,
to everyone the vegetation in the field.
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