1 Corinthians 6:15-20

Your bodies are the members of Christ; he has redeemed the bodies as well as the souls of believers. As such they are spiritually united to him now, and shall be throughout eternity. Is one spirit; one spirit with Christ: Christ dwells in him and he in Christ. This mutual union makes him spiritual as Christ is spiritual. Flee; do not stop to reason about it or think of it. Turn from it with detestation, and occupy your mind with things right and good.

Is without the body; it is true of sins in general that they are without the body; in other words, do not consist in a direct prostitution and dishonor of it.

Sinneth against his own body; by prostituting it in the way named in verses 1Co 6:15,16. It is the shame and guilt of the sin itself that the apostle has chiefly in mind. The dreadful physical consequences of lewdness are the brand of infamy which God puts upon it, as the greatest and most direct dishonor and abuse of the body.
The temple; the dwelling-place of the Holy Spirit. Bought with a price; the blood of Christ. Good men feel that they are in the highest sense the property of God; and that the first principles of honesty require them in all things to glorify him.
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