1 John 3:6-10

6-10. In these verses the apostle is combating the error of those who sought to separate fellowship with God from a life of holiness; or who at least did not consider the inseparable connection of the two, and boasted that they had fellowship with God, while their lives were devoted to sinful lusts. Chapter 1Joh 1:6; 2:4,9. To sin then, or commit sin, must mean, in this connection, to lead a life of sin, to sin allowedly and habitually. This no true believer does. To be righteous as Christ is righteous is the aim of his life. His daily effort is to keep the whole law of God; and wherein he fails through the remaining corruption of his fallen nature, he confesses to God his guilt, asks His forgiveness, and addresses himself anew to the work of keeping His commandments, not in the letter only, but "in spirit and in truth."

Abideth in him; is united to him by faith, and lives in fellowship with him. Men who live in the love and practice of known sin, secret or open, of omission or commission, of heart or of life, have no interest in Christ, and have never experienced his salvation.
Doeth righteousness; in his life.

Is righteous; in his character. The tree--a righteous character--is known by its fruit--doing righteousness.
Is of the devil; is a child of the devil and like him in character.

Might destroy the works of the devil; it follows that Christ's disciples cannot do these works.
His seed; God's seed; that is, the new moral nature which he has received from God, and which is maintained in his heart by the indwelling of the Holy Ghost.

He cannot sin; not for want of power, but disposition; he does not desire or consent to live in sin. The reason is, he loves those things which please God, and hates those which displease him.
Are manifest; by the different courses which they pursue. One class work righteousness and love Christians, the other do not. Those who live in sin take an active part against Christ and his cause, and in favor of the cause of the devil; and if they continue this course, they will be treated as the servants of Satan, and be made for ever partakers of his plagues.
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