2 Corinthians 6:8-10

As deceivers; in the view of our enemies. Unknown; especially to the rich, great, and powerful of this world.

Well known; by the efficacy of our labors.

Dying; exposed continually to be put to death.

We live; being upheld in life by the power of God.
Sorrowful; on account of our conflict with sin and suffering.

Always rejoicing; in God, and the triumphs of his grace.

Poor; as to this world.

Rich; for eternity.

Nothing; of the wealth of earth.

All things; that will be truly beneficial on earth and in heaven. Persons united by faith to Christ may have no exclusive right to any thing, and yet be joint-heirs with Christ to all things. They may be destitute of the riches of earth, and yet entitled to all that earth and heaven can afford; dependent for their daily bread, and yet dispensing inexhaustible, ever-satisfying, eternal treasures.
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