2 Peter 3:8-9

A thousand years as one day; in comparison with eternity, and as to the certainty of what God has declared. What he has determined to accomplish a thousand years hence, is just as sure as if he had determined to accomplish it to-morrow. Compare the words of Moses: "A thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday when it is past." Ps 90:4. His promise; of a future judgment, when he will save his people and destroy their enemies.

Count slackness; impute slackness to him, because he waits so long before executing his threatened judgments.

Long-suffering; by waiting so long before he brings destruction on the wicked, he shows his desire that they should repent and be saved. By continuing men in life, offering them the gospel, and beseeching them to embrace it, God shows that he is unwilling they should perish, and would delight in their repentance and salvation.
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