2 Thessalonians 1:7-10

When the Lord Jesus shall be revealed; at the day of judgment. The prosperity, injustice, and cruelty of the wicked, and the adversity, meekness, patience, and submission of the righteous, show that men are not in this world treated according to their character; and that there is a coming judgment; when the righteous will be rewarded and the wicked punished according to their works. Everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord; their destruction consists in everlasting banishment from God's presence and the glory of his power, and the everlasting endurance of God's wrath with the devil and his angels. Mt 25:41,46. The endless destruction of the perseveringly wicked is just. Admired in all them that believe; that is, in the persons of all them that believe; for they will be transformed into Christ's image in soul and body, and will reflect his glory.

Because our testimony among you was believed; a parenthetical sentence added to show that the Thessalonians also are included in "all them that believe."

In that day; in the day of Christ's second coming. These words are to be connected immediately with those before the parenthesis.
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