Acts 9:19-23

The Son of God; the Messiah foretold by the prophets. No man knows, when he starts on a journey, what will take place before he returns. He may be called to pass through scenes and to discharge duties totally different from what he expected. A man's heart deviseth his way, but the Lord directeth his steps. Pr 16:9. Persecutors may become preachers, and those who went out to murder, return to save. This name; the name of the Lord Jesus. Very Christ; the true Messiah. Many days; a part of this time he spent in Arabia, a country south and east of Judea. Ga 1:15-18. Wicked men are often disposed to use violence against those who differ from them in religion. They will favor a man who is openly hostile to Christ; but if he believes on him, they are ready to put him to death.
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