Ephesians 1:3

In heavenly places; the word "places" is supplied by the translators. Some propose to render, in heavenly things, things pertaining to our preparation for heaven. But everywhere else in this epistle the word means heavenly places, Eph 1:20; 2:6; 3:10; 6:12, rendered in our version "high places;" and this meaning may be retained here, as denoting the place where these spiritual blessings are prepared for us, where we shall finally enjoy them in full measure, and whence we now receive, through the Holy Ghost, the earnest of them. Compare verse Eph 1:14.

In Christ; as much as to say, All these spiritual blessings come to us by virtue of our union with Christ. And so verse Eph 1:4, "He hath chosen us in him."
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