Hebrews 1:3-6

The brightness of his glory; in him the glory of the Father shines forth, so that in and through him the Father's glory is seen. Joh 1:14; 14:9; 2Co 4:6.

The express image of his person; he in whom the very being of God is represented to us, as far as we are able to apprehend it. The Greek word rendered person, means rather substance, reality of being, as opposed to mere appearance. Compare Mt 11:27; Joh 1:18; Col 1:15.

Upholding all things; sustaining the universe in being. Col 1:17.

By the rod of his power; the word of his creative power. The same almighty word of his which called things into being, now sustains them. Compare Ge 1:3;, etc.; Ps 33:9; Ps 148:5.

By himself; by the sacrifice of himself.

Purged our sins; made expiation for them, thus opening the way for our forgiveness and purification. Ro 8:3; 2Co 5:21; Ga 3:13; Eph 1:7; 1Pe 2:24; 1Jo 1:7; Re 1:5.

Sat down on the right hand; Ps 110:1; Mr 16:16; Ac 7:55. As Jesus Christ made the atonement, it is perfect and sufficient for all men, should be preached to all, and accepted by all; and is a sure foundation of eternal life to all who believe on him.
Better; in dignity and office.

By inheritance obtained; obtained as his just right. See note to verse Heb 1:2.

A more excellent name; that of the Son of God. Angels and men are called sons of God; but Christ alone is "the Son of God" in a high and peculiar sense, because, as Son, he has the same nature with the Father.
Thou are my Son; see the following note on the quotation from 2Sa 7:14.

This day have I begotten thee; some understand these words of Christ's eternal sonship, supposing that with God, to whom time is nothing, "this day" may include eternity. But they are more commonly taken in a declarative sense of the manifestation which the Father made of Christ's sonship by his resurrection and glorification. So the apostle Paul seems to use them, Ac 13:33. Compare Ro 1:4; Col 1:18.

I will be to him a Father, and he shall be to me a Son; 2Sa 7:14, compared with Ps 89:26,27. This promise was made not to Solomon as an individual, but to David's whole royal line, at the head of which, after David, Solomon stood, and which led to and terminated in Christ. Lu 1:32,33. God took David's house into the relation of sonship to himself, in the sense of making his seed heirs to his throne by an inalienable title. Ps 89:28,29,33-37. The lower sonship of David and Solomon, moreover, foreshadowed the higher sonship of Christ, in whom alone the promise here, and in Ps 2:7, is perfectly fulfilled.
Bringeth in the first-begotten into the world; by his incarnation and the events that followed it, thus establishing in and through him "the kingdom of heaven" among men. It is of this kingdom that the ninety-seventh Psalm, from which the apostle immediately proceeds to quote, speaks. It describes, by anticipation, the coming of God as king to destroy the wicked and save his people, verses Heb 1:3-6. His reign is one in which "the multitude of isles," the whole gentile world, is called upon to rejoice, verse Heb 1:1. The ancient Jews rightly understood the psalm of the Messiah, in whom alone it is fulfilled, and whose kingdom it describes in its whole extent to the end of time.

Let all the angels of God worship him; quoted according to the Greek version from Ps 97:7, where the word "gods" in the original Hebrew means the heavenly hosts. As Christ in his deepest humiliation received the worship of angels as well as of men, and as he is now receiving it in glory, it is certain that he is God; and that in paying him divine honors they and we are not breaking, but obeying the command, Worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve. Mt 4:10; Re 5:8-14.
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