Hebrews 4:12-13

The word of God; all his declarations, whether of law or grace, whether of promise or threatening. God, who is its author, imparts to it his own divine energy. It lays open every heart, and detects all hypocrisy and unbelief.

Quick; living, and powerful in its effects. Joh 6:63; 2Co 10:4;

Two-edged sword; Eph 6:17; Re 1:16; 19.15.

Discerner of the thoughts; lays open the secrets of the heart, and shows a man to himself. Ro 7:7. Our faith, therefore, must be hearty, active, and persevering, or we shall fail of obtaining the promised rest.
In his sight; the sight of God the author of this word. In order to be saved, men must be Christians in reality as well as in appearance. God sees men as they are, and will treat them according to their works.
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