Hebrews 7:3

Without father--end of life; the inspired record takes no notice of any of these things; and this was designed by the Holy Ghost, that his priesthood might thus typify the priesthood of Christ in a double way; first, as to our Lord's human nature, as being a priest of another order than the Levitical priests, who must always be able to show their descent from Aaron, verses Heb 7:13,14, compared with Nu 3:10; Ezr 2:62; secondly, as to his divine nature, as being in the highest sense without any of these limitations. The reader should carefully notice that the apostle describes Melchisedec, the type, in terms which, in the full meaning, hold good only of Christ the great antitype. Christ as a priest making a real and perfect atonement for sin, stands alone in divine majesty, grandeur, and glory. All other priests were only types, emblems, and shadows of him, which when he appeared vanished away.
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