Hebrews 8:1-2

Consecrated; or perfected as a High-priest. Compare chap Heb 2:10; 6:9. Christ is in all respects such a Deliverer as sinners need. None perish for want of an all-sufficient and willing Saviour, nor because a way of salvation is not opened, nor because God does not desire their salvation; but if any who know the gospel perish, it is because they willfully and perseveringly refuse to accept its gracious offers. Of the sanctuary, and of the true tabernacle; of the true heavenly sanctuary and tabernacle, of which the earthly is only a type, verse Heb 8:5. As Jesus Christ is a High-priest and Mediator in all respects such as we need, it is wrong to trust in or acknowledge any other.

Hebrews 8:4

Not be a priest; he could not on earth officiate as a priest according to the Jewish law, because he did not belong to the tribe from which alone priests could be taken. He therefore, after having offered himself a sacrifice, ascended for the further discharge of his priestly office to heaven, of which the holy of holies was a type. Chap Heb 9:12.

Hebrews 9:24

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