James 5:3

Cankered; from having been hoarded up, instead of being used.

Eat your flesh; the same rust that bears witness against them shall consume them as fire; that is, shall bring upon them the consuming judgments of God.

Treasure; of ill-gotten wealth.

For the last days; more literally, in the last days; when the vengeance of God is ready to fall upon you. See note to verse Heb 5:1. Riches bring with them great responsibilities; and to hoard them, instead of using them in doing good, is a great sin, and one which draws down upon their possessor the judgments of heaven.

James 5:5

Nourished your hearts; made them fat by luxurious living. Fat is said to have no feeling, and the luxurious have few sympathies.

As in a day of slaughter; he compares them to beasts that feed to excess on the very day of slaughter. See note to verse Heb 5:1.
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