John 14:19

Seeth me no more; that is, in my personal presence, the only way in which they are able to see me.

Ye see me; spiritually. See below, ver Joh 14:21-23.

John 17:11

Through thine own name; see note to verse Joh 17:6.

John 17:21-22

They all may be one; Christ brings all his true disciples into an inward living union with himself and the Father, and thus makes them all one with each other.

That the world may believe that thou hast sent me; the manifestation in believers of this inward union of love and holiness, first with the Father and the Son, and then with one another, is to the world the most convincing proof of the truth of Christ's mission.
The glory; given him as a reward for his labors and sacrifices as Mediator.

I have given them; by participation and promise, in order to their complete and perfect union to him and one another, that the world might see the excellence of his religion, and be led to embrace it.

John 17:24

With me where I am; in heaven. The death of Christians is in answer to the prayers of Christ, and for the purpose of removing them to the perfect and everlasting enjoyment of his presence in heaven.
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