John 16:14

Glorify me; the effect of his teaching would be to honor the Saviour.

Shall receive of mine; or, shall take of mine--shall take of the things that pertain to my person and work, which is the same thing as taking of things that pertain to the Father, since the Father and the Son are one in nature and counsel, and the Father has committed all things to the Son. These words give us one of the decisive tests by which true teaching may be distinguished from that which is false. All true teaching agrees with the testimony of the Holy Spirit in glorifying Christ.

1 John 5:10

Hath the witness in himself; evidence of the truth of God's testimony by the effects which the Holy Ghost produces on him in his believing it.

Made him a liar; acts towards him as if he were one.

The record that God gave; in the ways above mentioned. Disbelief of the testimony of God is a great and aggravated crime.
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