John 5:21

The Son quickeneth; giveth life, natural and spiritual, to whom he will--thus doing the work of God, and showing that he is God. This is one of the greater things referred to. The other was the judging of all men at the last day, and awarding to them the retributions of eternity.

John 6:37

Giveth me; Isa 53:10-12; Joh 17:2; Eph 1:3-12.

Come to me; this means the same as he before meant by eating his flesh, or believing on him, and as he afterwards meant by drinking his blood.

John 6:40

I will raise him up; to everlasting life. He would thus do the will and accomplish the object of the Father.

John 10:15-16

Not of this fold; those who as yet knew not God, especially from gentile nations. Isa 56:8.
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