Jude 11-12

The way of Cain; relying on their own wisdom and goodness, and not on the wisdom and grace of God; envying, hating, and destroying those who were better and more highly favored than themselves. Ge 4:4-8.

The error of Balaam; loving and coveting money. Nu 22:7-21; 2Pe 2:15.

Core; Korah. Nu 16:1-33.
12, 13.

Spots; rather, sunken rocks, exposing to destruction the voyager that comes upon them.

Feasts of charity; among the brethren, where purity and temperance ought to have prevailed.

Clouds--trees--raging waves--wandering stars; those false teachers were in many respects like these things; disappointing all just expectations, corrupting and exposing to destruction all who came under their influence, and themselves doomed to destruction.
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