Luke 23:34

Father, forgive them; this was a prayer for the pardon of his murderers. Jesus Christ, who was most compassionate and benevolent in his life, was also most kind and forgiving in his death. He desired the everlasting salvation even of his murderers, and for it he was willing to give up his life.

John 3:20

Reproved; shown to be evil, and as such condemned. The reason why men do not believe what Christ has taught is, that they love error, they do evil, and his truth on this account condemns them.

John 15:24-25

Such is the union between Christ and the Father, that as men treat the one, so they treat the other; and the greater the light which any have as to the character and will of God, the greater will be their guilt and condemnation, if they do not love and obey him. Their law; Ps 35:19; 69:4; 109:3.

Acts 13:27

Because they knew him not; did not know him to be the Messiah.

The voices of the prophets; they did not understand the true meaning of the prophecies.

They have fulfilled them; by crucifying Christ, they did what the prophets had foretold. Men who do not understand the meaning of the Bible, and who malignantly persecute those who obey it, may nevertheless, in their opposition, be fulfilling its predictions, and thus adding to the evidences of its divine origin, and of the truth of its declarations.

1 Corinthians 2:8

All persons, however great their advantages, who are not taught by the Holy Spirit, are exceedingly ignorant of divine things. Truths are plainly revealed of which they have no just conception, because they love darkness rather than light, their deeds being evil. In their ignorance they may commit crimes which will bring interminable evils upon themselves and others.

1 Timothy 1:13

Injurious; one who maliciously and tyrannically oppressed and put to death the people of God.

Ignorantly; in ignorance of the true character of Christ and his disciples.
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