Matthew 13:14

In them is fulfilled; the language of Isaiah is a description of their case. Isa 6:9,10.

Not perceive; not perceive the spiritual meaning of his words, because, as expressed in the next verse, they shut their eyes against the light. They were not converted, and not saved, as they might have been, had they loved the truth and desired to know it.

John 12:39-40

They could not believe; it is said of Joseph's brethren, that they could not speak peaceably to him, Ge 37:4; and Christ said to the Jews, "How can ye believe, who receive honor one of another, and seek not the honor that cometh from God only?" Joh 5:44. The two things were incompatible. They must cease from the one in order to do the other. So here; as they would continue to love and cherish their sins, they could not, continuing this course, embrace the Messiah. The two things could not coexist. This was the reason why they should have renounced the one, and performed the other. But they would not do it. The prophecy of Isaiah showed that it was certain they would not. Isa 6:9,10. He hath blinded their eyes; by presenting to them truths which they would reject, their rejection bringing them into greater darkness. In a similar sense it is said, that Jesus Christ came into the world to set members of families at variance, by leading some to trust in him, while others on this account opposed them and sought their death. Mt 10:21,35,36.
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