Matthew 14:22-33

Habitual communion with God, and daily retirement for this purpose, is essential to holiness of character, and to great usefulness among men. It is also a safeguard against temptation, and a good preparation for the best discharge of duty. Fourth watch; the Jews had four watches, or periods of the night. The first watch was from six to nine o'clock; the second, from nine to twelve; the third, from twelve to three; and the fourth, from three to six in the morning. It is a spirit; they thought it was a spirit or ghost, supposing that for a man with a real body to walk on the water was impossible. We must not be impatient, or needlessly expose ourselves to danger, even to be with Christ. If we do, he will show us that we lack faith; and that, had he not done better for us than we did for ourselves, we should have perished. He walked; upheld by the divine power of Jesus Christ. It is when our thoughts are turned away from Christ to the dangers around us, that we lose our courage. Doubt; why didst thou doubt my power to continue to support thee? The ship with the disciples in it, tossed all night by the waves, and detained by contrary winds, is an apt emblem of the church of Christ in the dark days of reproach and persecution. But the Saviour has his eye ever upon her, and when he comes to her help in the morning, her course will be calm and prosperous. Son of God; this was a public acknowledgment of him as the Messiah.
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