Matthew 19:23-30

Hardly enter; it is with great difficulty that he can enter. All things; God could make even a rich man humble, believing, and obedient, though men could not do it. It is possible for a rich man to go to heaven; but he will be much less likely to go there, than if he were not rich. Those, therefore, who are making it their chief object to be rich, are taking a course which tends for ever to destroy them. In the regeneration; the reference here is not to the regeneration of the soul, for which the Greek commonly uses a different word, but to the time when God shall make all things new by bringing in the new heaven and new earth. 2Pe 3:13; Re 21:1,5.

Sit upon twelve thrones; as assessors with Christ.

Judging the twelve tribes of Israel; not authoritatively, for the final sentence belongs to Christ alone, but cooperating with him in his decisions. See note on 1Co 6:2. The world shall be acquitted or condemned according to the doctrines the appostles were inspired to preach.
A hundred-fold; shall receive vastly more real good in this world than all which he renounces for the sake of Christ, and in the world to come shall receive eternal life. For all the sacrifices which persons make from love to Christ and his cause, they will be graciously and abundantly rewarded, both in this world and in the world to come. First--last; see Mt 20:16.
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