Matthew 4:10

It is written; De 6:13.

Revelation of John 5:8-14

The four beasts and four and twenty elders; here, as in verse Re 5:14, and in chapter Re 4:9,10, the four living ones begin the adoration of God, and then the four and twenty elders follow.

Golden vials; rather, golden bowls or goblets. The harps, the bowls, and the new song seem to belong to the elders, and not to the four living creatures. Compare verse Re 5:14, where the worship of the four living creatures is distinguished from that of the four and twenty elders.

Which are the prayers; showing the acceptableness to God of humble, believing, affectionate, and fervent prayer.
A new song; the song of redeeming love, through the atonement and righteousness of Christ. Kings and priests; see note to chap Re 1:6.

On the earth; ultimately over all the earth, and for ever in heaven.
Many angels; they are distinct from the four living creatures, though in a certain sense, included in them as a part of God's universal creation, just as the multitudes of the redeemed in chap Re 7:9; 14:1; 15:2; 19:6, are included in the four and twenty elders, who represent the entire church of God in all ages. Power--blessing; let the reader notice the seven ascriptions--power, riches, wisdom, strength, honor, glory, blessing--which represent the fulness of adoration given to the Lamb, because in him dwells the fulness of the godhead. Every creature; the song of adoration that began with the living creatures and elders, and was then taken up by the angels, now spreads itself through the whole created universe; and as the echo of it comes back to the throne of God, the living creatures say, Amen, and the elders fall down and worship. In paying divine honors to Christ, Christians on earth imitate saints and angels in heaven, and prepare to mingle in their society, join in their employments, and partake of their joys for ever.
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