Revelation of John 7:9

Stood before the throne; saved through the preaching of the gospel, not from among the Jews only, but from all nations; showing the spiritual progress of the gospel during the events that have been symbolically set forth.

Palms; in token of their victory over sin, sorrow, and death.

Revelation of John 14:1

A hundred forty and four thousand; here, as in chap Re 7:4; the representatives of the multitude of the redeemed during the times of trouble and persecution that have been foretold.

His Father's name written in their foreheads; in contrast with the worshippers of the beast, who have his mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads. Chap Re 13:16.

Revelation of John 15:2

Sea of glass mingled with fire; a smooth, transparent pavement, clear as crystal, variegated with fiery colors. Chap Re 4:6. Another glorious vision of the redeemed in heaven is granted to the apostle, to show that during all this period of abounding wickedness, God was still gathering home his faithful servants to the rest and blessedness of his presence.

Revelation of John 19:6

Hearty acquiescence in all the dealings of God is the duty of all creatures, and the delight of all the holy.
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