Romans 3:23

Romans 5:12

Wherefore as by one man; that is, Adam. The apostle, in this verse, evidently begins a comparison between Adam and Christ, the same for substance as that contained in verses Ro 5:18,19. But before completing it, he pauses to throw in sundry remarks pertaining to it.

Death by sin; as a consequence of sin.

And so; as a consequence of sin, death passed upon all; all became subject to it.

For that; because.

2 Corinthians 5:14

The love of Christ; his love to sinners constraineth us to love him, and thus labor to induce our fellow-men to love him.

All dead; in trespasses and sins--dead to all desire to honor God or live to his glory, and dead to all possibility of salvation by their own works, or in any way except through faith in Christ.
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