Romans 4:16

Therefore it is of faith; the promise of justification and salvation made to Abraham and his seed, that Jehovah would be a God to him and his seed, Ge 17:2-7, and referred to in Ga 3:29, was not made on condition of perfect obedience to law, or on the ground of human merit, but of grace through Jesus Christ to all who should believe.

Sure to all the seed; that all who should in faith imitate Abraham, might obtain the blessing promised to him and his seed, of having Jehovah for their God and portion.

Not to that only which is of the law; not to Jews only, but to Gentiles also--to all who believe.

The father of us all; all of every nation who exercise faith in Christ.

Romans 10:6

The righteousness--of faith; that which men attain by believing in Christ.

Speaketh on this wise; is described in this way. De 30:11-14.

Say not in thy heart; do not think that this way of becoming righteous requires of you impossibilities, or things which, if disposed, you cannot do. It does not require you to go up to heaven, or down into the deep. All that it required is, to receive Christ as your Saviour and guide.

Galatians 3:7

Children of Abraham; like him in spirit, and justified in the same way, not by works, but by faith.

Galatians 3:9

Blessed with faithful Abraham; accepted of God in the same way.

Galatians 3:12

The law is not of faith; does not promise justification by faith, but by works.

But; that is, but its language is.

Shall live in them; by doing them. The law knows nothing of grace, but demands absolute obedience as its only condition of justification.
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