Romans 8:13

Ye shall die; the death not of the body merely, but of the soul--a death which shall last for ever. Body and soul shall die the second, an eternal death.

Through the Spirit; through the influence and aid of the Holy Spirit, given to all who believe in Christ.

Mortify the deeds of the body; resist, overcome, and cease to gratify sinful inclinations, and thus cause them to die.

Ye shall live; a holy and blessed life--a life that shall outlive death, and be perfected in a world of life, light, and joy, where, as long as Christ lives, all who have his Spirit shall live with him, and be like him. Joh 6:57; Joh 14:19; 17:11,21,22,24. By believing in Christ persons may receive the Holy Spirit, under his influence become spiritually minded, overcome their propensities to evil, delight in the law of the Lord, and so act as through the grace of God to live for ever.

Galatians 6:7-8

Is not mocked; will not allow men to trifle with him or his requirements. Soweth to his flesh; by the indulgence of the lusts of his flesh. Compare chap Ga 5:19-21.

Of the flesh; as the result of sowing to it.

Reap corruption; corruption in the widest sense, the ruin of body and soul.

Soweth to the Spirit; by devoting himself to the works of the Spirit, chap Ga 5:22-24. Life is the seed-time for eternity, and the fruit of what each one here sows he will there for ever reap.
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