Romans 8:18

The sufferings of this present time; those which Christians endure in this world.

Not worthy to be compared; are very small, as nothing in comparison.

Glory--revealed in us; Eph 3:16-19; Col 3:4; 2Th 1:10; 1Jo 3:2. All sacrifices which men make to obey God, and all trials which they are called to endure, are light and momentary, compared with the blessings which he will bestow upon them in heaven.

Philippians 3:21

Shall change; at the resurrection.

The working; the almighty power or energy.

To subdue all things unto himself; consequently death also, the last enemy that should be destroyed. See 1Co 15:26, where the destruction of death is mentioned in immediate connection with the subjection of all things to Christ.

1 John 3:2

Not yet appear; the fulness of their future excellence and bliss could not here be known.

Appear; in glory.
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