Romans 8:28-30

All things work together for good to them that love God; love to God distinguishes true Christians from all other men. He that loveth God is born of him, and all things shall work together for his good.

The called; those who have been called by his grace out of the darkness and bondage of sin into the light and liberty of the children of God. As all things work together for good to those who love God, they are especially bound, in whatsoever state they are, therewith to be content; knowing that their trials, however great, will conspire to work out for them an exceeding and eternal weight of glory. 2Co 4:17.
Whom he did foreknow; as his people. He did not simply foreknow that they would be his people, but his foreknowledge of them as his people included the gracious purpose of bringing them into a state of salvation, as the apostle proceeds immediately to show.

He also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son; he determined to lead them by his Spirit to believe in Christ, and in this way to become like him, holy.

First-born among many brethren; be their Prince, Leader, and Saviour, and have many who, as his brethren, should be joint-heirs with him to his kingdom of heavenly glory. Conformity in temper and conduct to the example of Christ, is the only sure evidence of being elected, and predestinated to eternal life.
Them he also called; called by his word and Spirit, taught them to feel their need of Christ, and led them to believe on him.

Them he also justified; accepted as righteous.

Them he also glorified; made heirs of eternal glory in heaven.

2 Thessalonians 2:13

Chosen you to salvation through sanctification--and belief of the truth; God not only chooses his people to salvation, but he chooses the way also--"sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth"--a way in which they "work out" their "own salvation with fear and trembling," while God "worketh in" them "both to will and to do of his good pleasure."

1 Peter 1:2

According to the foreknowledge--through sanctification--unto obedience and sprinkling; the apostle states three particulars concerning their election: first, it is in accordance with God's foreknowledge; in other words, it is the carrying out in action of his eternal foreknowledge, which includes his purpose; secondly, it is through the sanctification of the Holy Spirit, as the agent; thirdly, it is unto obedience and the sprinkling of Christ's blood, as the end. All who are elected, then, are elected to be brought into a state of obedience and purification from sin, through the power of God's Spirit, and the efficacy of Christ's blood, called the blood of sprinkling, because it cleanses the conscience from the guilt and defilement of sin. Heb 9:18-23.
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