1 Corinthians 15:42-58

Many things take place, the manner of which men cannot understand; and for them to disbelieve what God has declared, because they cannot understand the manner in which it will be accomplished, is great folly. In power; strong, and not subject to disease or death. A natural body--a spiritual body; in the original Greek the word rendered "natural" is the adjective corresponding to the word rendered "soul" in verse 1Co 15:45. In order better to understand the force of the quotation in that verse, we might render the present thus: It is sown a soul-body; it is raised a spirit-body: the word soul being used as it is in Ge 2:7, to denote man in his present earthly state as inhabiting an animal body, and subject to animal passions and wants; while the spiritual body will have no animal nature, and be subject to no animal wants. It is written; Ge 2:7. The quotation extends only to the first clause of the verse.

The first man Adam; whose nature we all inherit.

Was made a living soul; see note to verse 1Co 15:44.

The last Adam; Christ; to the nature of whose heavenly body our spiritual bodies will be made like.

A quickening spirit; a spirit having life in himself, and bestowing spiritual life and a spiritual body upon all who are his.
The Lord from heaven; Isa 9:6,7; Mal 3:1; Joh 17:5; 2Co 8:9; Php 2:6. He is therefore not earthly, but heavenly in his nature. Such are they also that are earthy; descendants of Adam, and naturally like him in body and soul.

That are heavenly; friends of Christ, like him in body and spirit. Php 3:21.
The image of the heavenly; in both soul and body. Ro 8:29; 1Jo 3:2; Php 3:21. Flesh and blood cannot inherit; our bodies must undergo a change, such as is effected in the resurrection, in order to fit them to live in heaven. Not all sleep; Christians who shall be living at the end of the world will not die, but will experience a change similar to that which those who have died will experience in the resurrection, that they may be spiritual, incorruptible, and immortal. Then; when the dead have been raised, and the living so changed as to fit them to live and reign with Christ.

The saying; shall be fulfilled that is written in Isa 25:8.
Thy sting; that by which thou didst terrify men. Ho 13:14.

Thy victory; by which thou didst hold men as vanquished.
The sting of death; that which makes death terrible, is sin. Ro 4:15; 6:23. The victory; over sin, death, and every foe. Ro 7:25; 8:1,37. Steadfast; in the faith and practice of the gospel, in habitual lively confidence of the resurrection, the day of judgment, and the retributions of eternity.

Unmovable; not discouraged by opposition or difficulties; not led even to doubt about the complete fulfilment of all which God has declared.

In the work of the Lord; in labors to honor him and do good.

Your labor is not in vain in the Lord; what you do to honor Christ shall receive a glorious and an eternal reward. The certainty of the resurrection, of the day of judgment, and the retributions of eternity, should lead all to make it their great object to learn and do the will of God; hearkening daily to his voice, believing heartily his declarations, and obeying cheerfully and perseveringly his commands.
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