1 Corinthians 8:6

Of whom; as the source.

In him; rather, as the margin, unto or for him; created to promote his glory.

By whom; by whose agency. Enlightened Christians hold with unshaken confidence to the unity of God, while they acknowledge Jesus Christ as their Creator, Redeemer, and rightful Proprietor, and render to him and to the Father the homage of their hearts.

Ephesians 3:9

What is the fellowship of the mystery; the mystery is that, through faith in Christ, Gentiles and Jews were to be united to God and one another in holy fellowship and communion for ever. "The fellowship of the mystery" would be the fellowship of Gentiles with Jews, which the revelation of this mystery discloses. But another and better authenticated reading is, "what is the dispensation of the mystery;" that is, a dispensation which has the revelation of this mystery as its foundation principle.

Hid in God; hid, as it were, among the secret counsels of God.

Who created all things; and has therefore the absolute right to order all things according to his own counsel.

Colossians 1:16-17

In heaven--in earth, visible and invisible; the apostle labors to assert in the most absolute way that the whole universe of created things is the work of Christ. Compare Joh 1:3, and Heb 3:4. "He that built all things is God."

Thrones--powers; words that denote the different orders of created intelligences. Compare Eph 1:21; 3:10.

For him; as their end. This is the highest possible assertion of Christ's proper deity.
Consist; are upheld in their present state. Compare Heb 1:3. "Upholding all things by the word of his power."
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