2 Chronicles 36:16

Matthew 26:66

Guilty of death; of a crime which deserves death. Le 24:16.

Matthew 27:20-26

All efforts of unrighteous magistrates to screen themselves from guilt in knowingly condemning the innocent or acquitting the guilty, will be fruitless. They may deceive themselves and their fellow-men, but they cannot deceive God. He will hold them responsible; and the measures they take to hide their guilt will only increase their wickedness, and aggravate their condemnation. It is a fearful thing to incur the guilt of blood. When unrighteously shed, it rises to heaven for vengeance. Pilate was stripped of his authority, and died in exile, it is said by his own hand. The state of the Jews for eighteen hundred years shows that the guilt of shedding the blood of Christ was awful, and that God is just. His blood be on us; we will bear the blame of his crucifixion: if divine judgments come, let them come on us and our children. Scourged Jesus; according to the custom of scourging one condemned to die before his execution.

John 19:12-18

Not Caesar's friend; Tiberius Caesar, then emperor of Rome. Finding that Pilate would not condemn Jesus for blasphemy, they returned to the former charge, of rebellion against the Roman government, and contended that if he released Jesus he was an enemy to Caesar. He might therefore be complained of to the emperor, who was a very jealous and cruel man; and he might thus lose his office, perhaps his life. This induced him to proceed with the trial. Sat down in the judgment-seat; the place for passing sentence on criminals. He did this for the purpose of condemning Jesus. He loved his office more than his duty; and feared the loss of it more than the commission of judicial murder.

Pavement--Gabbatha; an elevated place, paved with costly stones.
The preparation; the preparation for the next day, which was the Sabbath, and the great day of the Jewish Passover. Mr 15:42.

About the sixth hour; not far from noon. Mark says the third hour, or nine o'clock in the morning. Mr 15:25. The whole proceedings took several hours, and the different evangelists refer to different periods of the transactions.
16-22. Christ crucified. Mt 27:32-35.

Acts 3:14

Denied the Holy One; Ps 16:10; Ac 2:27; Mt 27:16-26.
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