Acts 18:2-3

Pontus; the north-eastern province of Asia Minor.

Claudius; the Roman emperor, who reigned from A.D. 41 to 54.
Craft; trade, or occupation.

They were tent-makers; it was the custom of the Jews to have their sons taught some mechanical art; that they might thus, in any emergency, be able to provide for themselves. A knowledge of useful business is important to all, especially to ministers who are called to preach the gospel and establish churches in heathen lands; and diligence in the discharge of appropriate duties is honorable, and highly conducive to usefulness and enjoyment.

Acts 18:18

Shorn his head; cut off his hair, as was the custom in fulfilment of a vow, or promise to the Lord.

Cenchrea; the seaport of Corinth, about eight miles east of the city.

Acts 18:26

Expounded unto him the way of God more perfectly; they showed him what had taken place since the preaching of John with regard to the Messiah, and pointed out more clearly the way of salvation through him. Great zeal and eloquence, united with love to Christ and the souls of men, are not enough to make a minister of the gospel most useful. He must also be acquainted with the word and the providence of God, and be able to show how one is a fulfilment and illustration of the other.

1 Corinthians 16:19

The church--in their house; the Christians who worshipped there. The meeting and conference of Christians from different and distant places may be the means not only of their own comfort, but of their increased usefulness to one another, and to their fellow-men.

2 Timothy 4:19

The household of Onesiphorus; see note to chap 2Ti 1:16.
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