Acts 2:4-11

Filled with the Holy Ghost; received his miraculous gifts.

Speak with other tongues; in various other languages, which they had not before known. When Christians are united in waiting upon God by prayer and supplication, they may expect in due time to receive abundantly of his blessings; and to be furnished by his Spirit for the various duties to which they are called.
Dwelling; sojourning during the feast of Pentecost.

Every nation; a general expression for people of various countries, as mentioned in ver Ac 2:9-11.
The multitude--were confounded; astonished, and thrown into great perplexity. How hear we; we Parthians, Medes, and Elamites hear each in his own tongue. Proselytes; Gentiles who had been converted to the Jewish religion. The wonderful works of God; with respect to his Son.
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