Ephesians 3:16-19

In the inner man; by a great increase of love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance, and all the fruits of the Spirit. Dwell in your hearts; as the object of supreme affection.

Rooted and grounded; fixed as trees in a deep, fruitful soil, and firm as a building on a rock.
Comprehend; understand more and more of the inexhaustible, eternal love of Christ, the fulness of which infinitely transcends all finite comprehension. With all the fulness of God; more literally, unto all the fulness of God. So filled with his light, truth, love, holiness, and bliss, as to become in your measure like him, and shine in the glory of his image for ever. Faith in Christ is the means not only of justification, but of sanctification; rendering men stedfast and persevering in duty, enlarging their apprehensions of his love, and causing them to become more and more like him, till they are complete in the perfect image of God.
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