Ephesians 6:17

The helmet of salvation; in 1Th 5:8, he says, "for a helmet, the hope of salvation."

The sword of the Spirit; the sword which the Spirit furnishes. The apostle would have us stand firm in the faith and practice of the gospel, and ever ready to propagate and promote it; relying with implicit confidence on Christ, and expecting the fulfilment of his declarations; acquainted with the Scriptures, and using them for doctrine, reproof, correction, and instruction in righteousness; habitually and fervently praying, in secret, in the family, and in public, not only for yourselves but for all Christians, and especially for ministers of Christ; that without fear of man they may preach the whole gospel in its just application to all their hearers.

Revelation of John 1:16

Seven stars; representing the angels of the seven churches, verse Re 1:20.

A sharp two-edged sword; with which he smites the nations, chap Re 19:15; compare Isa 11:4; 49:2, which are also prophecies of the Messiah. The symbol denotes the efficacy of his doctrine, and of the judgments uttered by him against the wicked.

Revelation of John 19:15

Out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword; see note to chap Re 1:16.

He treadeth the wine-press; for the symbol of treading the wine-press, see note to chap Re 14:19,20; Isa 66:3.
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