Galatians 4:24-25

Which things; those which relate to these two sons, Ishmael and Isaac.

An allegory; aptly represent the bondage of those who are under the ceremonial law and seek justification from it, and the freedom of those who embrace the gospel and expect justification only through faith in Christ.

For these; these two women, Sarah and Hagar.

Are the two covenants; fit representations of the two; namely, that with Abraham, which was confirmed of God in Christ, and that with Moses, which was made at mount Sinai.

Gendereth to bondage; bears children to bondage; is herself a bond women, and bears children in the same condition with herself. There is here a blending together of Hagar and the covenant which she represents. The children of the Mosaic covenant represented by Hagar are those who live under it.

Agar; in Hebrew, Hagar. Facts recorded by direction of the Holy Ghost in the Old Testament, are often striking illustrations of truths revealed in the New, and were designed by God to convey momentous instruction to man-kind. Hence the reason why so great a portion of the Old Testament is history; and the more it is understood, the more, by all good men, will it be valued.
Agar is mount Sinai; her case and that of her son Ishmael well represent the covenant at Sinai and those who are in bondage to its burdensome rites.

Answereth to Jerusalem which now is; as is the case with the present inhabitants of Jerusalem who reject the Messiah, and are therefore in bondage to the Mosaic law.
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