Hebrews 1:3

The brightness of his glory; in him the glory of the Father shines forth, so that in and through him the Father's glory is seen. Joh 1:14; 14:9; 2Co 4:6.

The express image of his person; he in whom the very being of God is represented to us, as far as we are able to apprehend it. The Greek word rendered person, means rather substance, reality of being, as opposed to mere appearance. Compare Mt 11:27; Joh 1:18; Col 1:15.

Upholding all things; sustaining the universe in being. Col 1:17.

By the rod of his power; the word of his creative power. The same almighty word of his which called things into being, now sustains them. Compare Ge 1:3;, etc.; Ps 33:9; Ps 148:5.

By himself; by the sacrifice of himself.

Purged our sins; made expiation for them, thus opening the way for our forgiveness and purification. Ro 8:3; 2Co 5:21; Ga 3:13; Eph 1:7; 1Pe 2:24; 1Jo 1:7; Re 1:5.

Sat down on the right hand; Ps 110:1; Mr 16:16; Ac 7:55. As Jesus Christ made the atonement, it is perfect and sufficient for all men, should be preached to all, and accepted by all; and is a sure foundation of eternal life to all who believe on him.
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