Hebrews 3:4

Every house is builded by some man; or, by some one; added to unfold still further the contrast between the house and its builder.

But he that built all things is God; that is, but God is he that built all things. These words are added to refer the house, of which Christ is the builder and owner, to God as its ultimate author: as much as to say, Christ is indeed the builder and Lord of the Christian dispensation with its household of faith; but he has built it as the Son under the appointment of the Father, from whom all things originally proceed. Compare, for the same idea, chap Heb 1:2, "By whom also he made the worlds." Christ made all things, Joh 1:3; Col 1:16,17; Heb 1:10,11,12; therefore Christ is God, Joh 1:1; Ro 9:15; 1Ti 3:16; Heb 1:8; 1Jo 5:20.
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