Hebrews 5:1

Having several times spoken of Christ as our High-priest, chap Heb 2:17; 3:1; 4:14,15; he now proceeds to unfold at large the idea of his priesthood, chap Heb 5:1-10:18, introducing, however, a digression, chap Heb 5:11-6:19, by way of warning and exhortation. He begins by considering the qualifications and office of the earthly high-priest. He must be taken from among his brethren, that he may be able to sympathize with them, being himself a sharer of their infirmities; and he must be called of God. His office, moreover, is to offer gifts and sacrifices for sin. With this earthly priesthood the higher priesthood of Christ is then compared.

For men; for the benefit of men in their spiritual concerns.
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