Hebrews 9:14

The eternal Spirit; the Holy Spirit, given him without measure, and under whose influence he offered himself a sacrifice for the sin of men.

Purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living God; cleanse your consciences from the guilt and pollution of sin; make you spiritually alive, and enable you to offer the spiritual living sacrifice of holy obedience to God. Though the Jewish ritual has ceased as a mode of worship, yet its usefulness will continue to the end of time. It shows the evil nature of sin, the way of salvation from it through faith in Jesus Christ, the object of his death as an atoning sacrifice for sin, and the safety and blessedness of all who trust in him. Ga 3:24.

Hebrews 10:22

Draw near; to God on his throne of grace.

Hearts sprinkled--bodies washed; the reference is to the consecration of the Levitical priests by the sprinkling of blood and the washing of water, Le 8:6,23,24,30, which shadowed forth the true consecration of believers to their spiritual priesthood by the sprinkling of the blood of Christ, and the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Ghost. Tit 3:5; 1Pe 1:2; 2:5. In approaching God, Christians should discard and reject all mediators except Jesus Christ. They need no other; and to trust in another is to reject him.

1 Peter 1:2

According to the foreknowledge--through sanctification--unto obedience and sprinkling; the apostle states three particulars concerning their election: first, it is in accordance with God's foreknowledge; in other words, it is the carrying out in action of his eternal foreknowledge, which includes his purpose; secondly, it is through the sanctification of the Holy Spirit, as the agent; thirdly, it is unto obedience and the sprinkling of Christ's blood, as the end. All who are elected, then, are elected to be brought into a state of obedience and purification from sin, through the power of God's Spirit, and the efficacy of Christ's blood, called the blood of sprinkling, because it cleanses the conscience from the guilt and defilement of sin. Heb 9:18-23.
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